Good governance and patriotism are the themes chosen by the city authorities of Modena for the ceiling, decorated between 1604 and 1608. The iconographic series was suggested by Giacomo Castelvetro, Prior of the Council and humanist, to the painters commissioned for the work, Ercole dell’Abate and Bartolomeo Schedoni.
Good governance is personified by Ercole dell’Abate through the Strength of Eloquence, the virtue binding the listeners before the Gallic Hercules; the qualities required of a good government are on the other hand evoked by the Seven Greek harmonies of Bartolomeo Schedoni.
Patriotism is depicted in The Sacrifice of Menoeceus of Thebes by Ercole dell’Abate, showing Menoeceus throwing himself from the walls of Thebes to save the city, and also in Bartolomeo Schedoni’s painting of Volumnia and her sons before Coriolanus, as they attempt to convince the leader not to seek revenge on the Romans for having exiled him. The lower band is decorated with scenes from the life of the city’s patron Saint Geminianus, allegorical figures and telamons. Although it was part of the 17th century series, it was extensively repainted in the 18th century by the painter Francesco Vellani.